What is Gloria Bornstein Studio, LLC? This LLC was formed on 2007-05-21 and is a Profit. The address for the company is 2333 12th Ave E. The company has 1 director. The company’s agent is Gloria Bornstein, who is located at this address. There are no other directors. Whether this company is right for you is up to you to decide. If you’d like more information, check out our company profile.
gloria bornstein
Gloria Bornstein Studio, LLC is a Profit company based in Seattle, Washington. This company was incorporated 15 years ago, on 21st May 2007. Their mailing address is 2333 12th Ave. E, Seattle, WA 98104, and they have 1 registered agent, GLORIA BORNSTEIN. This company has 1 director. If you are looking to start a business in this company, here are some things to keep in mind.
The International Fountain is the work of the artist Gloria Bornstein. The bronze whales appear to swim through the grass bordering the Center’s International Fountain, their backs cresting over concrete pavers inlaid with water patterns. Their smooth, broad backs add to the sense of traveling beneath the Center’s grounds. This sculpture was inspired by an ancient Native American myth, about whales traveling between Ellot Bay and Lake Union. The mother whale is inlaid with the language of the Lushootseed people.